Saturday, October 17, 2009

Switched Books

I was in the mood for something a bit beefer than "Songs of the Lark" so I started "Slaughtershouse 5" yesterday. I know nothing about this book and have not seen the movie, though I will probably watch it after I read the book. It's not a long book but it is packed full of emotions regarding a piece of WWII. I haven't read a lot about WWII other than from a Jewish stand point, this book is from an American soldiers view and it is very good.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Finished O Pioneer!

I finished my first book last night. I've never read this Willa Cather before but I liked her style. She doesn't mess around with any of the fluff, she gets to the meat of the story and stays with it. She doesn't complicate it with to many characters either and no long winded descriptions.

I will start the next one in the trilogy today, "The Song of the Lark". Let's see how much reading time I can get in this week. While I'm reading each book I'm also doing a study of the author, it really helps in the understanding of the book.

I'm thinking I'm going to stick with American or should I say non-British authors for awhile, British novels are sometimes long and dull and tend to deal with social classes a lot.